Chris Petersen relies on the Post Office for his farm. His message: “Privatizing the Postal Service to a for-profit corporate thing is a real bad idea!”
American Postal Workers Union President Mark Dimondstein, National Association of Letter Carriers President Brian Renfroe and National Association of Rural Letter Carriers President Donald Maston spoke at a National Press Club Headliners Newsmaker on Tuesday, March 25
The Postal Service is in a crisis, caused by the Coronavirus, and Congress needs to act, urgently. Call your Senators and tell them to support stimulus funding for the USPS: 833-946-2037. The Coronavirus shutdown is plummeting postal revenues while increasing costs. The Postal Service could run out of money by the end of the summer and the Trump administration is trying to leverage the crisis to sacrifice our public Postal Service at the altar of private profit.
Call your Senators urgently:
Sen. Bernie Sanders and the leaders of major Postal Trade Unions for a live town hall, starting at 7 PM ET.
Sen. Bernie Sanders
Pres. Mark Dimondstein, APWU
Pres. Fredric Rolando, NALC
Pres. Paul Hogrogian, NPMHU
Judy Beard, Political Director, APWU
Union members, organizers and activists, many from organizations in A Grand Alliance to Save Our Public Postal Service (Grand Alliance), gathered at USPS Headquarters to demand the Postal Board of Governors preserve the public Postal Service
The people’s public Postal Service means no one gets left off the list. The next Postmaster General should protect universal home delivery and keep public ownership of the U.S. Mail. It’s the People’s Postal Service: Keep it. It’s Yours.
The public Postal Service will take almost anything, but doesn’t take any taxpayer dollars! Spread the word! The USPS operates with ZERO tax dollars!