Turkey Talk – how to talk with your loved ones about the protecting our public Postal Service this Thanksgiving.
Talking Postal Service Over Turkey
This Thanksgiving everyone can talk about saving our public Postal Service around the dinner table.
90 percent of Americans have a favorable view of the United States Postal Service, making it the most popular federal agency.
When you’re talking with your family members, it is best to find the things you agree on and that are local, first. “Just imagine if we had to go and pick up our mail every day, instead of having it delivered!”
The threat to the Postal Service
In 2018, the White House proposed to selling-off parts of the US Postal Service .
The plan would end regular mail and package services at one affordable price, delivered to all 158.6 million addresses, six days a week – regardless of location.
In October of 2019, the Postmaster General announced her retirement. As the person in charge of the Postal Service, the Postmaster General has widespread powers to begin the process of selling off the Postal Service from within.
The new Postmaster General will be selected by the Postal Service Board of Governors, which recently expanded to include a Trump Administration-appointed majority. There’s a real danger that they will nominate someone who shares the White House’s desire to sell our public Postal Service to private corporations.
What we can do
When powerful interests threaten the things that we hold dear, we answer them with our power of numbers.
There is bi-partisan support for maintaining and expanding our public Postal Service. This isn’t a party-issue – it’s about powerful corporations vs regular people.
The first thing you can do is to sign the petition to the Postal Board of Governors – let’s make sure they know the people are watching and that we care!
Once you’ve signed, spread the word – share the online version and download a copy of the petition to print and send back to us.
Petition: Stop the Sell-Off of Our Public Postal Service
TO: The Postal Service Board of Governors: We, the undersigned, believe in a public Postal Service committed to providing quality service to everyone, no matter who they are or where they live, at reasonable and uniform rates. Our United States Postal Service is an essential part of the fabric of the country and a source of good, living wage jobs for our communities. We call on you to appoint a Postmaster General who is fully committed to universal service and the public ownership of the Postal Service.