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The People's Post Office, Keep it. It's Yours.


Katie Hill Calls Out Cato Expert Calling for USPS Budget to Be Cut

This rep called out a FedEx-funded expert for suggesting that Congress privatize the postal service.


Julie Crego: U.S. Postal Service provides a public good

The Cap Times

Why do we have to lose something before we realize what a good thing we had? Why do we let ourselves be fooled, over and over again, by those who are only interested in their own gain?


Post Office workers protest in Macon against privatization of USPS



Dozens rally against privatizing US Postal Service notion on tax filing deadline day

KYW 1060 Newsradio


Postal Workers Rally in Erie and Across the United States

Erie News Now


The U.S. Postal Service is owned by the people — let’s keep it that way

Pres. Mark Dimondstein in The Cap Times

As the tax deadline looms and millions scurry to get their forms sent on time, Tax Day is a good time to dispel the myth that the U.S. Postal Service is funded by tax dollars.


APWU Launches New Ad – “We Deliver Almost Anything”


04/12/2019 – The APWU continues our offensive against the White House proposals to sell the Postal Service to private corporations.

The lighthearted video below makes a crucial point – of all the many things the Postal Service will accept from the public, tax dollars are not one of them. The video advertisement release is in coordination with Tax Day actions all over the country on Monday, April 15.


Congress Is Sabotaging Your Post Office

Washington Monthly


Trump’s Postal Reform Proposals Met With Criticism From Lawmakers, USPS Management

Government Executive


Sens. Moran, Peters Introduce Bipartisan Resolution Opposing Privatization of the United States Postal Service

The Emporia Gazette