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New postmaster general could signal big changes to postal service

KFOR Oklahoma News 4

The hunt is on for a new postmaster general, and some say whoever gets that job could have a big impact on how you get your mail. That’s because the Trump administration wants to sell off and privatize parts of the postal service. But some who are against that idea said it will make getting your mail tougher and cost some mail workers their jobs. The White House said the US Postal Service should be a private business, not part of the government. But Mark Dimondstein, president of the American Postal Workers Union, said mail service is too important to privatize.

“Everybody has the same right tho have mail service, no matter who we are and where we live, and that would all be threatened, undermined, and done away with postal privatization,” said Dimondstein.

In 2018, Trump called for a task force to restructure, or even sell off, the post office.

Now, Diamondstein’s fears are growing as the search is on for a new postmaster general.

“We’re very concerned that they may bring in a postmaster general to carry out the plans of the White House Office of Management and Budget, which is to sell it,” he said.


Why Everyone Should Care Who the New Postmaster General Is

The American Prospect

The United States Postal Service (USPS) finds itself at a crossroads between the Trump administration’s prescription for privatization and the potential to implement more innovative services. The current postmaster general, Megan J. Brennan, announced her retirement in October 2019, and whoever the Board of Governors appoints to fill the vacancy at the head of America’s oldest and most popular public service will decide which path USPS takes.


Column: The Postal Service is America’s most popular government agency. Why does Trump hate it?

LA Times

It’s time once again to stand up for the most popular government agency of all, the one that curiously has come under the most consistent attack by the Trump administration and its congressional henchpersons.


USPS Could Privatize As Early As Next Year


The right to an inexpensive, public postal system in the United States has roots that go back further than most amendments recorded in the Bill of Rights.

In 1775, Benjamin Franklin ran the post office and used it to sustain communications between a small group of revolutionaries who would soon wage a winning war against the largest empire in the world. In 1792, George Washington and James Madison created legislation to allow newspaper companies to send their products through the mail at very low rates and to protect correspondence from any prying eyes. That act is credited with cementing Americans’ rights to free information and privacy.


Postal Workers Deliver 20 Million Packages Per Day; What Can We Give Them in Return?

Inside Sources


Sign up for Turkey Talk

This time of year, a lot of people find themselves searching for topics that are “safe” to discuss with family members during Thanksgiving.


USPS begins search for new postmaster general

Federal News Network

The Postal Service has begun its search for a new postmaster general at a time when the agency just marked its 13th straight year of net financial losses. The agency on Thursday reported an $8.8 billion net loss in FY 2019, an increase of nearly $5 billion from the previous year, and urged Congress and regulators to alleviate some of its systemic business challenges.


Postmaster general who was target of Trump’s ire announces retirement

Washington Post

Trump has also mused about privatizing the Postal Service, an idea long floated by various conservative think tanks, according to current and former senior administration officials, who spoke on the condition of anonymity to share private conversations.


United States Postal Service Announces Retirement of Postmaster General Megan J. Brennan


WASHINGTON — The United States Postal Service today announced that Megan J. Brennan, Postmaster General and Chief Executive Officer, is retiring effective Jan. 31, 2020.